InhaltsangabePreface vii Contributors ix 1 Introduction of Probability Concepts in Physics--The Path to Statistical Mechanics 1 N. Sukumar 2 Does God Play Dice? 15 N. Sukumar 3 The Electron Density 41 N. Sukumar and Sunanda Sukumar 4 Atoms in Molecules 67 N. Sukumar 5 Density Functional Approach to the Electronic Structure of Matter 107 N. Sukumar 6 DensityFunctional Approximations for Exchange and Correlation 125 Viktor N. Staroverov 7 An Understanding of the Origin of Chemical Reactivity from a Conceptual DFT Approach 157 Arindam Chakraborty, Soma Duley, Santanab Giri, and Pratim Kumar Chattaraj 8 Electron Density and Molecular Similarity 203 N. Sukumar 9 Electrostatic Potentials and Local Ionization Energies in Nanomaterial Applications 233 Peter Politzer, Felipe A. Bulat, James Burgess, Jeffrey W. Baldwin, and Jane S. Murray 10 Probing Electron Dynamics with the Laplacian of the Momentum Density 257 Preston J. MacDougall and M. Creon Levit 11 Applications of Modern Density Functional Theory to Surfaces and Interfaces 271 G. Pilania, H. Zhu, and R. Ramprasad Index 313
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N. SUKUMAR, PhD, is Professor, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Informatics at Shiv Nadar University, India. He is also associated with the Rennselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has lectured at conferences throughout the world and authored numerous review articles, research papers, and book chapters.