InhaltsangabeThe Theme: Ideals of/for Humankind; M. Kronegger. The Golden Measure The Selfindividualisation of Life Bringing to Fruition the Ideal for a New Epoch; A-T. Tymieniecka. Part One: The Ideal: Ascension in Troubled Times. Occult Ascension in Troubled Times: The Ideals of Mankind in Rudolf Steiner and Béla Hamvas; G.E. Szönyi. Jean Anouilh's Thirst for the Absolute and his Formulation of the Ideal; J.B. Williamson. Francis Hutcheson: Political Ideals; A. Webster. Human Kind in Literature: The Ideals of Fiction - The Fiction of Ideals; L. Kimmel. The Paradox of the Ideals of Humankind: Paul Ricoeur's Approach; M.A. Cecilia. Part Two: On the Way. Narrative Identity: Situating a Postmodern Ideal; W. Msosa. Transcendence in the Poetry, Music and Film: La Corona (John Donne, Ernst Krenek, Joan & Jean Strommer, 1609/1941/1987) Iconic Implications of Circular Structures; J.T. Strommer, J.E. Strommer. Husserl, the Differend and Kafka's The Trial; W.E. Conklin. Roland Barthes and Critical `Romanesque'; N. Campi de Castro. Le Clézio's L'Inconnu sur la terre: Man, Nature, Creativity and Cosmology; C. Osowiec Ruoff. Part Three: The Search for Harmony. Thinking about Harmony as Category and Value in the Aesthetics of Hegel and Krause; R. Pinilla. Shesher Kabita: Tagorean Ideals Towards Man-Woman Relationship; S. Ray. L. Binswanger sur Hofmannsthal: L'esprit et la souffrance; B.M. d'Ippolito. The Human Face of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; F.P. Crawley. `Dasein' Naturalized; P. Pylkkö. Part Four: Philosophy Focusing on the Human. Materialistic and Poetic Humanism: G. Leopardi; E. Di Vito. Subjectivism and Phenomenology; A. Balan. Husserl, Mann, and the Modernist Crisis of Culture; G.E. Overvold. `A Rock of Defence for Human Nature': Philosophical and Literary Approaches to the Causes of Violence; J.T. Airaudi. Freedom and Philosophy; R. Romani. Part Five: The European Message. Le message européen: Pierre Frieden (1892&endash;1959); R. Kieffer. The Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy Approached from a Phenomenological Angle; G.M. Vajda. European Scholars on Indian Music; S. Ray. `Be Nice to One Another!' Morality, the Embattled Ideal in Eighteenth Century German Literature; W. Wittkowski. Index of Names.
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DE 69121 Heidelberg
The Theme: Ideals of/for Humankind; M. Kronegger. The Golden Measure The Selfindividualisation of Life Bringing to Fruition the Ideal for a New Epoch; A-T. Tymieniecka. Part One: The Ideal: Ascension in Troubled Times. Occult Ascension in Troubled Times: The Ideals of Mankind in Rudolf Steiner and Bela Hamvas; G.E. Szönyi. Jean Anouilh''s Thirst for the Absolute and his Formulation of the Ideal; J.B. Williamson. Francis Hutcheson: Political Ideals; A. Webster. Human Kind in Literature: The Ideals of Fiction - The Fiction of Ideals; L. Kimmel. The Paradox of the Ideals of Humankind: Paul Ricoeur''s Approach; M.A. Cecilia. Part Two: On the Way. Narrative Identity: Situating a Postmodern Ideal; W. Msosa. Transcendence in the Poetry, Music and Film: La Corona (John Donne, Ernst Krenek, Joan & Jean Strommer, 1609/1941/1987) Iconic Implications of Circular Structures; J.T. Strommer, J.E. Strommer. Husserl, the Differend and Kafka''s The Trial; W.E. Conklin. Roland Barthes and Critical Romanesque''; N. Campi de Castro. Le Clezio''s L''Inconnu sur la terre: Man, Nature, Creativity and Cosmology; C. Osowiec Ruoff. Part Three: The Search for Harmony. Thinking about Harmony as Category and Value in the Aesthetics of Hegel and Krause; R. Pinilla. Shesher Kabita: Tagorean Ideals Towards Man-Woman Relationship; S. Ray. L. Binswanger sur Hofmannsthal: L''esprit et la souffrance; B.M. d''Ippolito. The Human Face of Mary Shelley''s Frankenstein; F.P. Crawley. Dasein'' Naturalized; P. Pylkkö. Part Four: Philosophy Focusing on the Human. Materialistic and Poetic Humanism: G. Leopardi; E. Di Vito. Subjectivism and Phenomenology; A. Balan. Husserl, Mann, and the Modernist Crisis of Culture; G.E. Overvold. A Rock of Defence for Human Nature'': Philosophical and Literary Approaches to the Causes of Violence; J.T. Airaudi. Freedom and Philosophy; R. Romani. Part Five: The European Message. Le message europeen: Pierre Frieden (1892&endash;1959); R. Kieffer. The Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy Approached from a Phenomenological Angle; G.M. Vajda. European Scholars on Indian Music; S. Ray. Be Nice to One Another!'' Morality, the Embattled Ideal in Eighteenth Century German Literature; W. Wittkowski. Index of Names.