Traps lurk in every stage of a chess game, but they occur especially often in the opening. In this instructional volume, the two internationally recognized masters of the game cover the traps that can be expected after the double advance of the white d-pawn. For every possible opening after 1.d4-including the Queen's Gambit or the King's Indian Defense-there are explanatory texts detailing the most typical trap motifs. Designed to increase combinative ability and systematically expand opening repertoire, this is an essential guide to setting and avoiding opening traps.
Edition Olms AG
Manfred Olms
Rosengartenstrasse 13b
CH 8608 Bubikon
arvato media GmbH
Manfred Olms, Hagentorwall 7 , D-31134 Hildesheim
Abt. D6E2 / Postfach 12 54
DE 33399 Verl