This volume contains texts by Schelling from the period of 1806-1808. Polemical writings, in particular the Darlegung des wahren Verhältnisses der Naturphilosophie zu der verbesserten Fichteschen Lehre (Exposition of the True Relation of the Philosophy of Nature to the Improved Fichtean Theory) document Schellings public response to Fichtes repeated attacks against the Philosophy of Nature (Naturphilosophie). The paper Über das Verhältniß des Realen und Idealen in der Natur (On the Relation of the Real and the Ideal in Nature) was published in 1806 as the introduction to the second edition of the Weltseele. Schelling himself considered it 'the best' that he had delivered in a long time in the matter of Philosophy of Nature. It offers - in a summarised form - an impressive insight into the foundational part of his Philosophy of Identity. Smaller texts on rhabdomancy and skull theory complete the volume.
frommann-holzboog Verlag e.K. König-Karl-Str. 27
Matthias Jäger
König-Karl-Straße 27
DE 70372 Stuttgart