Diagnosis of Tree Diseases This colour compendium will help you to recognise and distinguish between damages of a wide range of causes in 16 genera or species of forest trees, mostly on the basis of simple, external damage characteristics. A key is provided for the systematic localisation of damage characteristics for each tree species. The book serves a wide range of users from professional practice, research, teaching and management in the areas of forest management, environmental protection and ecology.
Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Heinz Butin leitete das Institut für Pflanzenschutz im Forst an der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Braunschweig. Dr. Günter Hartmann war bis 2003 als Forstpathologe und Berater an der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt Göttingen.