Fossilium Catalogus Animalia Pars 158
Lower Cretaceous Ammonites XI - Acanthoceratoidea: Leymeriellidae, Brancoceratidae, Lyelliceratidae, Flickiidae, Forbesiceratidae, including the Upper Cretaceous representatives, Fossilium Catalogus I 158, Animalia
Erschienen am
23.04.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
The classification in this Fossilium Catalogus largely follows that of WRIGHT et al., 1996, but some ideas of COOPER, 2017 are taken into account. The reference lists that belong to the species are mainly references of specimens that are depicted. But also included are references that can be important for palaeobiogeographical research. They are compiled from literature. The lists are, of course, subjective and open to improvement. Several species are attributed provisionally to genera, and that with question marks, because further research is needed to clarify the taxonomical status of these species. I have designated 1 lectotype. In 24 cases 'lectotype requested' is indicated. Colleagues are kindly asked to communicate genera and species lacking, errors, mistakes and erroneous data in this part. Other suggestions for improvement of the text are also highly welcome. These supplementary data will be published in a coming volume of Lower Cretaceous Ammonites with references to the contributors.
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