Poor texts? As a consequence, misunderstandings, faulty work processes, financial damage. There is an urgent need to optimize not only the literary practice of the writers, but also that of the organizations on whose behalf these writers work. but also that of the organizations on whose behalf these writers work. What is being optimized? The way The way people and organizations handle information when they write, receive, manage, or distribute texts, manage, or (have) distributed texts. This book guides in problem analysis and problem solving, but also in but also in thinking about how to achieve sustainability in the everyday literary actions of individuals and organizations. and organizations.
Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
Stauffenbergstraße 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen-Opladen
Dr. Gerd Bräuer begleitet Menschen und Institutionen, die sich für die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Schreibenden und Lesenden engagieren. Mag.a Christina Hollosi-Boiger, Literacy Managerin, Schreibtrainerin, Schreibcoach, Lehrauftrag an mehreren österreichischen Hochschulen Mag.a Raphaela Lechleitner, Texterin für Medien und PR, Pädagogin, ausgebildete Schreibberaterin und Literacy Managerin David Kreitz, pädagogischer Mitarbeiter bei der HVHS Mariaspring, freiberuflicher Schreibcoach und -trainer