InhaltsangabeTe theme, a-t. tymieniecka: section i.- was merleau-ponty a phenomenologist? some reflections upon the identity of phenomenology, k. rokstad sartre's postcartesian ontology: on negation and existence, w.d. melaney 'brute being' and hyletic phenomenology: the philosophical legacy of merleau-ponty's the visible and the invisible, a.a. bello physis and flesh, r. kaushik embodiment and existence merleau-ponty and the limits of naturalism, p. reynaert.- section ii the method of karol wojtyla: a way between phenomenology, personalism and metaphysics, j.m. burgos the role of experience in karol wojtyla's ethical thought, c.b. gonzález tishcner's philosophy of drama, l. pyra camus and tischner: in search of absolute love, m. bielawka edith stein and jean-paul sartre: a possible comparison, a-m. pezzella.- section iii the dimension of existence disclosed by unraveling the intentional structure of imagining, e. sezgin henomenological and poetic grounds of linguistics, a.d. reyperception, textual theory and metaphorical language, m. sehdev la phénoménologie et le probleme de l'imagination, b.m. d'ippolito.- section iv merleau-ponty and the eternal return to the life-world. beyond existentialism and phenomenology, a. zeifa is-identity as living identity, a. zukowski, i. ricconi desituatedness: the subject and its exhaustion of space in gilles deleuze, mq. ma he poststructural effect on the lifeworld: rethinking critical subjectivity and ethics through existential performance and the constitutive power of performativity, b.c. kanouse. tion v ean wahl, the precursor, a. kremermarietti albert camus: phenomenology and postmodern thought, i. fiut jan kott and the aesthetics of reception: aspects of an existential theatre, m. chen the existential aspects of the museum at the turn of the century, a. malecka ection vi playing with places: the aesthetic experience of place in a play situation, l. untmythopoetics of stone, k. lehari towards aphenomenology of the instrument-voix, a.r. vitale hors d'oeuvre revisited, m. itkonenconclusion the human telos beyond the instrumental closure. the contribution of phenomenology and existentialism, f. totaro.
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